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Would you make a donation today!
Give more children the opportunity to compete
in local, state, regional and national
School SCRABBLE competitions!
Please email to find out more information
on how to make a donation.

The Foundation provides funds to those who are financially in need, as well as to those who have excelled. We help with travel expenses, awards, and more, so that students can have the opportunity to compete in local, state, regional, and national SCRABBLE events.


Here's what your generous donation makes possible!


$10 to $20 — Awards or SCRABBLE sets

$25 to $50 — Lunches or a Tank of Gas for Traveling Families
$75 to $100
— Hotel Room

$200+ — Airfare


Major & Corporate Giving Levels


Platinum — $5,000 and above
Gold — $1,000 to $4,999
Silver — $400 to $999
Bronze — Up to $399

Your generous donations make participation possible for students who could not do so otherwise.
School SCRABBLE champions win $10,000 on building marquee

This Sponsor Helps

Send Kids to the Next Level:

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